Thursday, September 27, 2007

Killing Mold While Going Green

While there are a large number of commercial chemicals that are on the market and advertised to kill mold, there are not too many options for those of us who are interested in “going green”. Many people are jumping onto the going green band wagon recently, exchanging the chemical cleaners and pesticide treated foods for something more natural and un-tampered with. There are natural ways to kill mold, though, that will not harm human beings, even if they are few and far between. You can find these in health food stores or even just your local grocery store, but be prepared to pay more than you would for the chemical alternatives.

The first one is the least expensive of the three ways, but you may not be pleased with the way your house smells immediately after you treat it. This calls for distilled white vinegar for a number of reasons. It is colorless and will not stain anything that you put it on and it will kill somewhere around 82 percent of molds that can live in your house. Even though it does not kill all kinds of mold, it will kill most that grows indoors. Pour the vinegar into a spray bottle, spray it on the mold and do not rinse. The smell will go away in a while and the mold should be dead.

Another way that you can kill mold is to use tea tree oil. This is a little bit expensive, but if you are bent on going green, this is one of the only 3 known ways to go. It will kill more types of mold than vinegar and leaves no odor. Take about two teaspoons of tea tree oil and mix it with two cups of water. Put this in a spray bottle, mix the two by shaking it up, and spray areas of mold with it. Again, do not rinse. This has an indefinite shelf life.

Grapefruit seed extract works in a similar way and you need to mix around 20 drops of this with two cups of water in the same way that you mixed up the tea tree oil. Spray it on molded areas and like the other two methods, do not rinse it off.

None of these methods should pose any health threat to you or the people in your home, unless you or they have an allergy to one of these items.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Miami Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors and
Orlando water Damage companies.